Newsletters – Legion Post 942

September/October 2024

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May/June 2024

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March/April 2024

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January/February 2024

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November/December 2023

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September/October 2023

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May/June 2023

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March/April 2023

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Recent News

Boy Scout News

Owen Morris is an Eagle Scout from Troop 108 located in Webster NY. He is a very energetic person with a passion for history and a very good understanding of the sacrifices that veterans made in defending our country. Owen decided to create an Eagle project that would show his appreciation for veterans by creating a pedestal sign that reveals the meaning of each of the thirteen folds of the American flag. The location that Owen decided to place the pedestal sign was at the Webster Rural Cemetery in the vicinity of the area our Post has adopted as our veteran’s memorial. Owen attended our May legion meeting explaining in great detail his project and made a request for the remaining funds he required to finish the project. The Post was overwhelmed with his presentation and voted on supporting his request and added a few dollars to purchase pizza to feed the volunteers working on his project. The sign was installed in time for the Memorial Day parade and is located on the south side of the pavers that surround the American flag. This is a fitting location for all to read. Owens project also included placing pavers, flowers, and mulch at the base of the kiosk located at the entrance to the cemetery. He then created a poster that he placed in the kiosk that gives a brief writeup describing the American legion followed by a brief history about our post. He then also placed a QR sign that when scanned will bring you to our Post website. Emma, Owen’s sister, placed her own Geocache that is located on the back of the pedestal sign. It has drawn in numerous people out already in search of this location, followed by positive notes and the history lesson that the plaque teaches.

The members of American Legion Cottreall-Warner Post 942 would like to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to Owen, Emma, his family and to Troop 108 for their hard work and their understanding and importance for preserving the ideals and history of this great nation.

Phillip Rosini
Member of Post 942

Webster Eagle Scout recognized by Monroe County American Legion

Eagle Scout Gregory Savage from Webster was selected as the Monroe County American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year for 2022. This award was presented to him at the Monroe County Convention held in June.
Gregory is a senior at Webster Thomas HS. His accomplishments includes National Honor Society, Model UN, (president), Environmental Club (VP) plays the piano, and drums involved in his church and on and on. His project was to build 3 benches for his church. He has been accepted to Binghamton University majoring in Biochemistry. He is on the pre-med track and hopeful to go to medical school after graduation.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Gregory for the post when he applied for the Boys State program in 2022. That interview revealed a young man with a purpose, direction, a sense of service in his life. Gregory is a 2022 graduate of Boys State where he participated in the band and served on various groups.
Gregory’s Eagle project consisted of replacing three benches which needed repair with three newly constructed benches at his church.

Gregory Eagle Scout Award
Gregory Eagle Scout Award

Post Hosted Two Veterans for Lunch (5/22/23)

Remembering our fellow veterans who served this nation with honor and dignity is the corner stone of the American Legion. Post 942 follows this remembrance by inviting veterans from Atria Senior Living center located in Penfield whenever arrangements can be made. The post hosted two veterans for lunch on May 22nd providing a lunch, conversation, and a “cocktail”. Craig was one of the veterans who attended. He was a Navy veteran who shared his stories and adventures from his time in the service with us. Richard, 94 years old, an Army WWII Veteran, was the second individual that attended. He joined the Army just as the war was ending at the age of 17. His first duty station was Japan and was assigned to the occupation force. He talked about how the Japanese resented the Americans at first but as time past and our service personnel offered help and support the relationship got better. He told us about his experience when he walked through the Hiroshima bomb site. Richard made special reference to the fact that nothing was standing except a cinder block building in the middle of the bomb site. He went on to talk about his life after the war as a successful carpenter, a father of 4 and how he built his own house in Henrietta where he resided for over 50 years.

Both veterans seemed to enjoy the company and conversations that flowed through the post. I know that all the post members present had a fun and appreciative afternoon.

Phillip Rosini

Atria Luncheon

Cameron Ministries

The Cameron Ministries is located on Cameron Street in Rochester north of Lyell Avenue. The Cameron Community is a nonprofit service organization that provides food, clothing, K-6 after school programs, hot lunches, and support to a very impoverished neighborhood. Previously our post donated peanut butter to their food bank back in the fall of 2022. The director, Oliva informed me that peanut butter is an item that they have a hard time obtaining. In April she reached out to me again if I could obtain more peanut butter for the food bank. At the April Post meeting it was decided again to support this organization. Over 85 jars of peanut butter was purchased and delivered. A very grateful staff met me at the door thanking me for our generous donation.

The post should take pride in their constant support of those that are in need and living day to day. Service to others is the rent we pay for our room here on earth. Post 942 pays for the rent for many in our community fulfilling our ideals and values as legionnaires and veterans.

Phillip Rosini

Cameron Ministries